What’s going on?

Right.  So I haven’t posted anything for a while now.  Why?  Well, I got a job.  I’m working at the Sentinel-Record in Hot Springs, Arkansas.  I’m working as a paginator.  I lay down stories and design newspaper pages.  I mainly work on the sports page, but also do some other sections.

I’ll start updating my portfolio with some stuff out of the Sentinel-Record eventually.  In the mean time, that’s what’s happening.

The Blazer and a new paper

And another portfolio update for today.  I’ve added the August 18, 2008 edition of the News-Register along with this year’s Blazer.  They are available below.  Note: The Blazer is a big PDF file.

I wrote two articles for this month’s paper.  The first is on parking decals at North Lake College and the second is a review of The Dark Knight which I’m pretty proud of.

So….  That’s it for now.